English Language Teaching Methods And Approaches

Azizbek Kholmurodovich Mukhamedov

Associate Professor (PhD) at Jizzak Pedagogical University

Rasulova Nozima Normurod kizi

Master’s Student at Jizzak Pedagogical University Republic of Uzbekistan, Jizzak city

Keywords: Methods, Approach, New devices


The foundation of learning rests upon two key pillars: knowledge dissemination and acquisition. Educators endeavor to impart information to students, drawing upon their own understanding. By embracing innovative approaches within educational institutions, we can not only elevate the quality of learning but also empower individuals, fortify public governance, and expedite the realization of human development objectives within a nation. The current generation of students enjoys access to a diverse array of educational resources, fostering the emergence of new trends that are reshaping the traditional education paradigm. Modern methodologies and advancements underscore the pivotal role of education in its entirety, integrating it seamlessly into human life, prioritizing the quality of knowledge over its quantity, embracing technological integration, and addressing the demand for skilled professionals. Theories and methods pertaining to foreign language instruction, including English language teaching (ELT), are also in a constant state of flux. This article delves into contemporary trends in ELT that have gained global traction, while acknowledging the approaches that held sway in preceding decades. Historically, the study of classical Latin and its grammatical structure laid the groundwork for foreign language pedagogy in schools. Methods and approaches rooted in this tradition culminated in the Grammar-Translation Method (GTM). Subsequently, novel trends such as the communicative approach emerged, significantly altering the landscape of foreign language instruction that implement critical thinking in the process of learning.


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