Professional Activity Based on An Integrative Approach Pedagogical-Psychological Diagnostic of Preparation Basics

Mexro’zbek Muxtorjon o’g’li Jo’raboyev

Freelance researcher of Institute for retraining and professional development of directors and specialists of pre-school education organization, Director of the 65th general secondary school under the pre-school and school education department of New Namangan district

Tursunova Zulxumor Jobir qizi

Russian language teacher, school 18, Namangan city

Keywords: career guidance, diagnosis, motivational, cognitive


In this article, there is a system of directing students to the profession diagnosing career orientation based on problems, interests and inclinations, his tasks, main directions and mechanisms of its implementation are mentioned. Experience of career orientation by diagnosis of educational activity methods are shown, factors influencing career guidance and ways to eliminate them are provided, as well as suggestions and recommendations system is presented.

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