Параметры И Характеристики Импульсной Техники
Элмуротова Д.Б
Доцент1 , асситент2 Тошкентская Медицинская Акадаемия, кафедры “Биомедицинская инженерия, информатика и биофизика” dilnoza
Арзикулов Ф
Олимов А
Keywords: импульс, длительность, радиосистема, коэффициент
На работе рассмотрено виды импульсных сигналов, также методы и устройства для формирования этих сигналов. Дано понятие о дополнительных параметров импульсных сигналов, которые помогают лучше охарактеризовать их форму и поведение во времени
М.И. Базарбаев., Д.Б. Элмуротова., Ш.К. Нематов., Ш.Ш. Азимов., Т.З. Даминов., А.Р.
Махкамов. Современные подходы к гигиене рук медицинского персонала //The journal of
humanities & natural sciences, Issue 8, V.1, 2024. P.208-217.2. Elmurotova D.B., Odilova N.J., Jumanov Sh.E. Semmelweis against puberner fever in hungary //
Western European Journal of Linguistics and Education, V.2, Iss1, January-2024 ISSN (E): 2942-
X, P.56-59, Germany. https://westerneuropeanstudies.com/index.php/2/article/view/255
Элмуротова Д.Б., Элмуратов Э.Б. Исследование и совершенствование техники и
технологии по освоению скважин в сложных горно-геологических условиях на
месторождениях Республики Узбекистан // Лучшие интеллектуальные исследования, Ч-13,
Т.5, Январь-2024, С.11-23, Россия. http://web-journal.ru/index.php/journal/issue/view/89
Elmurotova D.B., Sayfullayeva D.I., Isroilova Sh.A. Terms of medical information system, World
Bulletin of Public Health (WBPH), V.34, May, P.91-92, 2024 ISSN: 2749-3644, Berlin.
Elmurotova D.B, Majlimov F.B., Zuparov I.B., Kayumova K.S., Xudoyberdiyev B.A. A modern
approach to hand hygiene in medicine // European Journal of Humanities and Educational
Advancements (EJHEA), V.5 N.05, May 2024 ISSN: 2660-5589, P.51-53, Spain.
Elmurotova D., Arzikulov F., Egamov S., Isroilov U. Organization of direct memory access //
Intent Research Scientific Journal-(IRSJ), ISSN (E): 2980-4612, V.3, Is.10, October – 2024, P. 31-
, Philippines, https://intentresearch.org/index.php/irsj/article/view/345
Elmurotova D., Arzikulov F., Izzatullayev I., Olimov A., Abdurahmonov J. The role of remote
diagnostics in medicine // World Bulletin of Public Health (WBPH), V.39, October 2024, ISSN:2749-
, P.102-105. Germany, https://scholarexpress.net/index.php/wbph/article/view/4664
Elmurotova D., Fayziyeva N.A., Urmanbekova D.S., Bozorov E.H. Implementation of the method
of teaching x-ray therapy in higher educational institutions // Web of Teachers: Inderscience
Research, V.2, Issue 10, October-2024, ISSN (E):2938-379X, P.18-23. Spain.
Elmurotova D.B., Esanov Sh.Sh., Abduraxmonov S.A., Ulug'berdiyev A.Sh., Umarov J.S.
Medical device reliability and measuring instrument specifications // Eurasian Journal of Engineering
and Technology, EJET, V.34, October-7, 2024, ISSN: (E) 2795-7640, P.10-13, Belgium.
Shodiev A.A., Mussaeva M.A., Elmurotova D.B. Magnetic resistance and mobility of carriers
of HTSC – YBCO tapes irradiated with 5 MeV electrons // Eurasian Journal of Physics, Chemistry
and Mathematics, EJPCM, V.35, October-26, 2024, ISSN: 2795-7667, P.25-33, Belgium.
Elmurotova D.B., Fayziyeva N.A., Odilova N.J. Properties of electron and neutron therapy //
Web of Medicine: Journal of medicine, practice and nursing, V.2, Issue 10, October-2024, ISSN (E):
-3765, P.137-141, Spain.
Elmurotova D.B., Yoqubboyeva E.Z., Orifqulova M.F., Imanova L.N. Application of
computer technologies in medicine // Western European Journal of Medicine and Medical Science,
V.2, Issue 11, ISSN (E): 2942-1918, November-2024, P.1-12. Germany.
Elmurotova D.B., Nishonova N.R., Kulueva F.G., Uzoqova G.S., Xo‘jamberdiyeva J.N.,
Jo’rayeva Sh.A. Mashaits: islamic interpretation of the greek philosophical heritage // South Eastern
European Journal of Public Health (SEEJPH), (ISSN: 2197-5248) V.XXV, S2, 2024, Posted:05-12-
, P.516-522, https://www.seejph.com/index.php/seejph
Shodiev A.A., Mussaeva M.A., Nishonova N.R., Elmurotova D.B., Islamova D.X.
Improving Structure and Superconductivity of Coated Cuprate Tapes by Irradiation with Electrons
and Gamma-Rays // Nanotechnology Perceptions, ISSN 1660-6795, V.20, N.7 (2024), P. 209-126,
I. Mullojonov, Q.I. Narziqulova , V.G. Makhsudov , E.Ya. Ermetov, D.B. Elmurotova, M.I.
Bazarbayev. Study of the appearing molar volume of electrolyte solutions and its application in
health-biological processes // MedForum: Int. Conf. on Patient-Centered Approaches to Medical Intervention 2024, Dr. Tanima Bhattacharya et al. (eds) © 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, London,
M.I. Bazarbayev, B.T. Rakhimov, Sh.A. Isroilova, D.B. Elmurotova, D.I. Sayfullayeva.
Enhancing biophysics problem-solving skills in medical students through a targeted three-step
strategy // MedForum: Int. Conf. on Patient-Centered Approaches to Medical Intervention 2024, Dr.
Tanima Bhattacharya et al. (eds) © 2024 Taylor & Francis Group, London, P.112-114.