Chemical Hydrophobization Of Materials

Zubaydullayev Shoxrux Shermatovich

Student IV courses group 514 – 21 CMP Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, The Republic of Uzbekistan

Safarova Ruxshona Ulug‘bek qizi

Student II course, group 7 FLL – 23 Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute, The Republic of Uzbekistan

Bekov Ulug’bek Safarovich

Assistant, “Technology of building materials and structures” Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute, The Republic of Uzbekistan

Keywords: moisture, capillary, chloride, sulfur


In modern construction, one of the distinctive features of construction products and materials is their porosity, which leads to high moisture absorption. Rainwater can penetrate into the pores of materials, expanding several times at low temperatures and potentially causing their structural breakdown. Chemical treatments involve processes that create a dense, waterresistant layer on the surface of the material. One method to increase the density of a material's surface is by flotation. Impregnating porous stones with solutions based on monomers significantly enhances their durability.