Integration and Applications in Economic Dynamics

Dilshod I.Ostonaqulov

Tashkent Institute of Finance, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Keywords: Consumer’s Surplus, Capital Accumulation Over a Specified Period, stream of income


In a dynamic economics model, the basic objective is the identification of the time path of the variable on the basis of its rate of change. For example, national income y of a country changes overtime. To see the rate of change we need to see its change with respect to time and to find the time path followed by y . Thus, if we know the derivative dy dt , it will be possible to get onto the function like y y t = ( ) through the technique of integration which happens to be opposite of the process of differentiation. We will return to this process after a while


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Sotvoldiyev A.I. Mathematics of economic processes nature and methods of modeling. Science and education scientific journal. Tashkent. 2023. Vol. 4, No. 3. pp. 829-835.

Unit-7 Integration and Applications in Economic Dynamics,