Development and problems of physical training in higher education institutions.

SOYIBNAZAROV Ulug‘bek Shonazarovich

Harbiy fanlar nomzodi podpolkovnik, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Qurolli Kuchlari Akademiyasi Harbiy boshqaruv va liderlik kafedrasi katta o‘qituvchisi

СОЙИБНАЗАРОВ Улугбек Шоназарович

кандидат военных наук подполковник, старший преподаватель кафедры Военного управления и лидерства Академии Вооруженных Сил Республики Узбекистан

SOYIBNAZAROV Ulug‘bek Shonazarovich

Candidate of military sciences, lieutenant colonel, Senior Lecturer of the Department of “Military Management and Leadership” of the Armed Forces Academy of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Keywords: cadet, student, theory, feeling


In the article, the cadets (students) of higher education institutions mainly focus on regular physical exercises and the measures for the development of physical training in higher education institutions or in service activities with the positive indicators of physical stress in life were scientifically studied. The article explained the measures of physical exercise load based on the opinions and views of scientists and specialists who have conducted research on this topic